Monday, May 20, 2013

Better Box Mix Cupcakes

I think I've said this a few times, but I am LAZY.

I'm ok with that. I don't sell my food. I work full time. And I know what tastes good. I don't apologize for using cake mixes. I won't pretend they are "from scratch." I'm not a chef. I'm not a "true" recipe inventer. I just make good-tasting food.

I take good ideas and improve them. I listen to what other people have learned. I know Paula Deen knows her stuff, even if she'll give you your very own case of diabetes if you aren't careful.

So, of course Ms. Deen got it right when she modified a box mix. I followed her instructions this week, and made two batches of the most delicious cupcakes ever. Here's how I did it.
  1. Add 1 box mix to a bowl. I like Betty Crocker SuperMoist. They're just better than other mixes. I don't know why. I made "Triple Chocolate Fudge" and "White" this past weekend.
  2. Now, look at the instructions on the back of the box. Instead of water, add whole milk in the same amount called for.
  3. Instead of oil, add melted butter in DOUBLE the amount called for.
  4. Add two extra eggs (that was 5 eggs in each batch I made this past weekend).
  5. Add 1 tsp of vanilla extract (I use Mexico vanilla for all my baking, and I swear it makes a real difference.)
  6. Fill muffin or cake tins, and bake according to the package instructions. I greased muffin tins and baked these without any baking cups.
Once the cupcakes were completely cool, I plopped them into pretty wrappers and piped on Butter CREAM Frosting. If Betty Crocker and Paula Deen somehow managed to cross-polinate, these cupcakes would be their offspring. I'm sure of it. Best. Cupcakes. Ever.


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